
螢光染料和猝滅劑 / 產品分組和此類別中的項目
Fluorescent dyes and quenchers for the labeling of biomolecules.
  • AF 488 DBCO
    含有綠色熒光團 AF 488的二苯並環辛炔(DBCO、ADIBO),可用於標記活細胞、整個生物體和無生命樣品內的疊氮化物生物分子。純5-異構體。
  • AF 555 DBCO
    含有黃色螢光團 AF 555的二苯並環辛炔(DBCO、ADIBO),用於標記活細胞、整個生物體和無生命樣品中含疊氮基團的生物分子。
  • AF 568 DBCO
    Dibenzocyclooctyne (DBCO, ADIBO) containing the orange fluorophore AF 568 for cooper-free labeling azide-tagged biomolecules inside live cells, whole organisms, and inanimate samples.
  • AF 647 DBCO
    是遠紅螢光團 AF 647 的二苯並環辛炔(DBCO、ADIBO)衍生物,用於標記活細胞、整個生物體和無生命樣品中含疊氮基團的生物分子。
  • BDP® 558/568 DBCO
    BDP 558/568 DBCO is a bright and photostable dye with emission in the yellow spectrum range. It contains a cyclooctyne substituting group (i.e. DBCO), which can react with various azides in Click Chemistry reactions.
  • BDP® 581/591 DBCO
    BDP 581/591 is a borondipyrromethene dye that can be used not only as a fluorescent dye, but also as a ROS probe. It can be conjugated with azides using copper-free click chemistry.
  • BDP® 650/665 DBCO
    This red-fluorescent dye contains a substituting group for copper-free click chemistry.
    BDP FL DBCO is a dye cyclooctyne for copper-free click chemistry reactions with azides. Its absorption and emission wavelengths correspond to those of fluorescein (FAM), but BDP FL is significantly more photostable.
    A derivative of BDP R6G dye with azodibenzocyclooctyne (DBCO or ADIBO) for copper-free click chemistry conjugation with azides.
    This yellow-orange-fluorescent boron dipyrromethene dye contains a DBCO substituting group for participation in click chemistry reactions.
    A dye with a dibenzocyclooctyne substituting group for the ROX channel.
  • Cyanine3 DBCO
    Cyanine3 dibenzocyclooctyne (DBCO, or ADIBO) is a cycloalkyne dye derivative for copper-free click chemistry.
  • Cyanine3.5 DBCO
    Cyclooctyne derivative of Cyanine3.5 dye, which easily reacts with various azides resulting in stable conjugates.
  • Cyanine5.5 DBCO
    Cyanine5.5 is a far-red / NIR emitting dye that is useful for bioimaging studies. Cyanine5.5 DBCO is a derivative of the dye with a cycloalkyne moiety for copper-free click chemistry.
  • Cyanine7 DBCO
    NIR fluorescent dye functionalized with cyclooctyne moiety for copper free click chemistry conjugation with azides.
  • FAM DBCO, 6-isomer
    Cyclooctyne derivative of fluorescein (FAM) for copper-free click chemistry reaction with azides. Pure 6-isomer of fluorescein.
  • ROX DBCO, 5-isomer
    ROX (rhodamine X) is a bright rhodamine dye. This is a DBCO (dibenzocyclooctyne) derivative that has high reactivity against azides.
  • TAMRA DBCO, 5-isomer
    Cyclooctyne derivative of tetramethylrhodamine (TMR, TAMRA) for copper-free click chemistry conjugation with azides. Pure 5-isomer.
  • sulfo-Cyanine3 DBCO
    sulfo-Cyanine3 DBCO is a cycloalkyne derivative of water-soluble fluorophore sulfo-Cyanine3 for copper-free click chemistry.
  • sulfo-Cyanine5 DBCO
    Water-soluble cycloalkyne for copper-free click chemistry reaction with azides. A derivative of sulfo-Cyanine5.
  • sulfo-Cyanine5.5 DBCO
    Sulfo-Cyanine5.5 DBCO is a far-red, water-soluble reagent for copper-free click reaction with azides.
  • sulfo-Cyanine7 DBCO
    Dibenzocyclooctyne (DBCO, or ADIBO) conjugated with sulfo-Cyanine7, a water-soluble near-IR dye for labeling azide-containing biomolecules inside living cells, whole organisms, and inanimate samples.
  • 花青3B DBCO (Cyanine3B DBCO)
    二苯並環辛炔(DBCO、ADIBO)含有 Cyanine3B 螢光團,用於標記活細胞、整個生物體和無生命樣品內的疊氮標記的生物分子。
  • 菁染料5 DBCO (Cyanine5 DBCO)
    Cyanine5 染料具有二苯並環辛炔 (DBCO) 官能團,用於無銅條件的連結化學。


Tetrazines are derivatives that react with terminal alkenes, trans-cyclooctenes, cyclopropenes, and other activated olefins via an inverted electron demand [4+2]-cycloaddition - an example of copper-free click chemistry reaction.
  • AF 430 tetrazine
    Tetrazine derivative of AF 430 fluorescent dye suitable for in vitro cell labeling.
  • AF 488 四嗪,5-異構體 (AF 488 tetrazine, 5-isomer)
    AF 488 螢光團的四嗪衍生物,用於 TCO 連接和體外細胞標記。
  • AF 594 四嗪,6-異構體 (AF 594 tetrazine, 6-isomer)
    AF 594 螢光團的四嗪衍生物,用於 TCO 連接和體外標記。
  • BDP® 558/568 tetrazine
    Stable fluorophore that can be conjugated with trans-cyclooctene derivatives of biomolecules for their visualization.
  • BDP® 576/589 tetrazine
    Tetrazine derivative of BDP 576/589 hydrophobic dye for conjugation with trans-cyclooctenes and cyclopropenes in the TCO ligation reaction.
  • BDP® 581/591 tetrazine
    BDP 581/591 is a borondipyrromethene dye with a tetrazine group for the inverse electron demand Diels-Alder (IEDDA) ligation.
  • BDP® 630/650 四嗪 (BDP® 630/650 tetrazine)
    BDP 630/650 是一種用於 Cyanine5 通道的硼二吡咯亞甲基染料。這是一種四嗪衍生物,用於與環烯烴的偶聯。
  • BDP® FL tetrazine
    BDP FL tetrazine (methyltetrazine) is a reactive dye for the inverse electron demand Diels-Alder (IEDDA) reaction with trans-cyclooctenes, cyclopropenes, and other strained cycloolefines. BDP FL is a bright and photostable dye for the 488 nm fluorescein (FAM) channel.
  • BDP® R6G tetrazine
    BDP R6G tetrazine is a borondipyrromethene dye with absorption and emission wavelengths similar to those of rhodamine 6G. It contains a tetrazine fragment for IEDDA ligation.
  • BDP® TMR tetrazine
    A fluorophore for the TAMRA channel with a functional group that can form conjugates in click chemistry reactions (IEDDA ligation) .
  • BDP® TR tetrazine
    BDP TR is a borondipyrromethene fluorophore for the ROX channel. The dye produces bright fluorescent emission. Tetrazines are reactive components for the conjugation with strained cycloalkenes.
  • Cyanine3 tetrazine
    Tetrazine derivative of the fluorophore Cyanine3. Tetrazines react extremely quickly with strained alkenes (such as trans-cyclooctenes, cyclopropenes), and some strained alkynes.
  • Cyanine5 tetrazine
    Cyanine5 is a universal red emitting dye with a very high extinction coefficient, and good quantum yield. This tetrazine derivative reacts very quickly with trans-cyclooctenes and cyclopropenes with the formation of stable conjugates.
  • Cyanine5.5四嗪 (Cyanine5.5 tetrazine)
    一種遠紅外發射染料,含有 Cyanine5.5 螢光團和四嗪片段的化合物,通過 TCO 連接與反式環辛烯/環丙烯結合。
  • Cyanine7 tetrazine
    Near infrared Cyanine7 dye derivative containing tetrazine group for TCO ligation.
  • Cyanine7.5 tetrazine
    Cyanine7.5 tetrazine is a tetrazine derivative for TCO ligation and Diels-Alder reaction containing a NIR fluorophore and suitable for in vivo infrared imaging.
  • FAM tetrazine, 5-isomer
    FAM tetrazine (methyltetrazine) for the conjugation with trans-cyclooctenes and cyclopropenes. Pure 5-isomer of fluorescein.
  • FAM 四嗪,6-異構體 (FAM tetrazine, 6-isomer)
    該分子是明亮螢光團 FAM(螢光素)和四嗪的結合物,四嗪是一種反應基團,可在稱為 IEDDA(逆電子需求狄爾斯-阿爾德反應)的反應中與反式環烯發生反應。
  • ROX tetrazine, 5-isomer
    A tetrazine derivative of bright red-emitting dye ROX (Rhodamine X, Rhodamine 101) for copper-free bioconjugation. Pure 5-isomer.
  • sulfo-Cyanine5.5 tetrazine
    Tetrazine derivative of water-soluble far-red emitting fluorescent dye sulfo-Cyanine5.5 for TCO ligation with trans-cyclooctenes and other strained olefins.
  • sulfo-Cyanine7 tetrazine
    Near infrared, water soluble dye methyltetrazine for the conjugation with strained cycloalkenes in TCO ligation reaction.
  • 磺基-Cyanine3四嗪 (sulfo-Cyanine3 tetrazine)
    水溶性磺基-Cyanine3 染料四嗪衍生物,用於反式環辛烯的 TCO 連接標記。
  • 磺基-菁5四嗪 (sulfo-Cyanine5 tetrazine)
    水溶性菁染料四嗪衍生物,用於與反式環辛烯和其他應變烯烴進行 TCO 連接反應。
  • 花青3B四嗪 (Cyanine3B tetrazine)
    Cyanine3B 染料四嗪衍生物,用於與張力烯烴和末端烯烴進行 IEDDA 偶聯。


Cycloalkenes are strained alkenes, tetrazine-reactive derivatives for inverse electron-demand Diels-Alder cycloaddition reaction (IEDDA).
  • AF 488 TCO
    含有 AF 488 的反式環辛烯 (TCO) 衍生物,可通過逆電子需求Diels-Alder環加成反應 (IEDDA) 與四嗪偶聯。
  • AF 430 amine
    AF 430 dye with a terminal amino group with emission in the yellow-green region of the spectrum.
  • AF 488 amine
    AF 488 dye with a terminal amino group with emission in the green region of the spectrum.
  • BDP® 558/568 amine
    BDP 558/568 is a borondipyrromethene dye with yellow/orange emission. This amine derivative can be conjugated using reactions with various electrophiles.
  • BDP® 581/591 amine
    BDP 581/591 fluorophore derivative with free amine group for the conjugation with electrophilic reagents, and enzymatic transamination.
  • BDP® 630/650 amine
    BDP 630/650 is a far red emitting fluorophore for Cyanine5 channel. This fluorophore is based on BDP (borondipyrromethene) core, which provides high quantum yield and photostability. This is an amine derivative of this dye.
  • BDP® FL胺 (BDP® FL amine)
    BDP FL 染料的氨基衍生物,用於 FAM(螢光素)488 nm 通道的硼二吡咯亞甲基染料。
  • BDP® R6G amine
    Amine derivative of BDP R6G, borondipyrromethene dye matching Rhodamine 6G (R6G) channel. The terminal aliphatic amine group can be conjugated with various electrophiles.
  • BDP® TMR胺 (BDP® TMR amine)
    BDP TMR amine 是一種用於 TAMRA 通道的氨基染料。該染料具有明亮的螢光,非常適合螢光偏振測定。
  • BDP® TR amine
    BDP TR borondipyrromethene dye with a free amine group for the conjugation with electrophilic reagents and enzymatic transamination reaction. BDP TR is a bright dye for the ROX channel.
  • Cyanine 5.5胺 (Cyanine5.5 amine)
    Cyanine5.5 的氨基衍生物,一種遠紅光發射的螢光花菁染料。
  • Cyanine3B amine
    Amino derivative of Cyanine3B, a reactive dye with significantly increased fluorescence quantum yield and photostability for the conjugation with activated esters and epoxides.
  • Cyanine7.5胺 (Cyanine7.5 amine)
  • Cyanine7胺
    Cy7 胺是一種近紅外染料,具有游離的胺基,可與活化酯和其他反應性分子結合。
  • FAM 胺,5-異構體 (FAM amine, 5-isomer)
  • FAM 胺,6-異構體 (FAM amine, 6-isomer)
    螢光素 (FAM)的胺基衍生物,純 6-異構體,用於酶促轉氨基標記、與親電試劑反應和還原胺化。
  • ROX amine, 6-isomer
    An amine derivative of ROX (Rhodamine X, Rhodamine 101) dye that is reactive toward electrophiles. It can also be used for enzymatic transamination labeling. Pure 6-isomer.
  • TAMRA 胺,5-異構體 (TAMRA amine, 5-isomer)
    TAMRA(四甲基羅丹明)染料,純 5-異構體,帶有胺基,用於與親電試劑(NHS 酯、環氧化物等)結合。
  • sulfo-Cyanine3.5 amine
    Sulfonated Cyanine3.5 amine derivative for the conjugation with electrophiles and enzymatic transamination labeling.
  • sulfo-Cyanine7.5 amine
    Near-infrared, water-soluble, hydrophilic dye with amine functional group.
  • 磺基-Cyanine3胺 (sulfo-Cyanine3 amine)
  • 磺基-Cyanine5 胺 (sulfo-Cyanine5 amine)
    磺化的Cyanine5 胺衍生物,用於與親電子試劑的偶聯和酶促轉氨基標記。
  • 磺基-Cyanine5.5胺 (sulfo-Cyanine5.5 amine)
    sulfo-Cyanine5.5 是一種遠紅/近紅外螢光團,具有高親水性和水溶性。這是一種對親電試劑具有反應活性的胺衍生物。它還可用於酶促轉氨標記。
  • 磺基Cyanine7胺 (sulfo-Cyanine7 amine)
    近紅外胺染料,Cyanine7 染料的磺化衍生物,用於酶法轉氨基進行修飾。
  • 花青3胺 (Cyanine3 amine)
    Cyanine3 是一種帶有游離氨基的螢光團(氨基染料)。它可以與 NHS 酯、羧基(活化後)和環氧化物共軛。
  • 菁染料5胺 (Cyanine5 amine)


Fluorescent dyes with two functional groups for the labeling of different biomolecules.
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