Cyanine3炔烴 (Cyanine3 alkyne)

貨號 數量 價格 交貨時間
A10B0 1 mg $125 現貨
B10B0 5 mg $260 現貨
C10B0 10 mg $325 現貨
D10B0 25 mg $510 現貨
E10B0 50 mg $895 現貨
F10B0 100 mg $1490 現貨
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Cyanine3 alkyne 是一種明亮且光穩定的螢光團,適用於點擊化學,是 Cy3® 的類似物。這種染料可以通過銅催化的點擊反應附著到幾乎任何帶有疊氮基團的分子上。

該炔烴不溶於水。然而,當與有機共溶劑(DMSO 或 DMF)一起使用時,該染料可以有效地附著到水溶性分子,例如蛋白質或肽。


綠色Synapto探針 (SynaptoProbe® Green)

綠色Synapto探針 (SynaptoProbe® Green)

BDP® 558/568 alkyne

BDP 558/568 is a borondipyrromethene dye for Cyanine3-channel. This product is a terminal alkyne derivative for copper-catalyzed click chemistry.

dsGreen® 凝膠染色液,10000× (dsGreen® Gel Staining Solution, 10,000×)

dsGreen® 用於瓊脂糖和聚丙烯酰胺凝膠中的 dsDNA 染色。

外观: 紅色粉末
分子量: 530.14
分子式: C33H40ClN3O
溶解度: 溶於有機溶劑(DMF、DMSO、二氯甲烷),幾乎不溶於水(50 mg/L = 80 uM)
质量控制: NMR 1H (95%), HPLC-MS
储存条件: 儲存:收到後-20℃避光保存24個月。運輸:室溫最多可保存3週。避免長時間暴露在光線下。乾燥。
MSDS: 下載

激发/吸收极大值,纳米: 555
ε, 摩尔吸光系数,cm⁻¹: 150000
发射极大值,纳米: 570
荧光量子产率: 0.31
CF260: 0.04
CF280: 0.09


  1. Guarin, M.; Faelens, R.; Giusti, A.; De Croze, N.; Léonard, M.; Cabooter, D.; Annaert, P.; de Witte, P.; Ny, A. Spatiotemporal Imaging and Pharmacokinetic of Fluorescent Compounds in Zebrafish Eleuthero-Embryos After Different Routes of Administration. Scientific Reports, 2021, 11(1), 12229. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-91612-6.
  2. Guarin, M.; Ny, A.; De Croze, N.; Maes, J.; Léonard, M.; Annaert, P.; de Witte, P. A. M. Pharmacokinetics in Zebrafish Embryos (ZFE) Following Immersion and Intrayolk Administration: A Fluorescence-Based Analysis. Pharmaceuticals, 2021, 14(6), 576. doi: 10.3390/ph14060576
  3. Guarin, M.; Faelens, R.; Giusti, A.; De Croze, N.; Léonard, M.; Cabooter, D.; Annaert, P.; de Witte, P.; Ny, A. Spatiotemporal imaging and pharmacokinetics of fluorescent compounds in zebrafish eleuthero-embryos after different routes of administration. Scientific Reports, 2021, 11, 12229. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-91612-6
  4. Navarro, L.A.; French, D.L.; Zauscher, S. Synthesis of Modular Brush Polymer-Protein Hybrids using Diazotransfer and Copper Click Chemistry. Bioconjugate Chemistry, 2018, 29(8), 2594–2605. doi: 10.1021/acs.bioconjchem.8b00309
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