Flow cytometry 在 應用

Annexin V-AF 488細胞凋亡檢測試劑盒

即用型試劑盒,可使用Annexin V-AF 488和碘化丙啶染料標記凋亡和壞死細胞。
貨號 數量 價格 交貨時間
50 assays
$215 $169 21 天
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Annexin V-AF 647 Apoptosis Detection Kit, with Propidium Iodide

The ready-to-use kit to label apoptotic and necrotic cells with Annexin V-AF 647 conjugate and propidium iodide.
貨號 數量 價格 交貨時間
50 assays
$148 21 天
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CFDA SE Cell Tracing Kit

The ready-to-use kit for fluorescent labeling and long-term tracing of cells. CFDA SE is commonly used for measuring and tracking cell divisions.
貨號 數量 價格 交貨時間
15 vials
$230 1 天
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Lipophilic Tracer Sampler Kit

The kit containing samplers of eight different lipophilic carbocyanine dyes.
貨號 數量 價格 交貨時間
8 samplers
$449 $419 21 天
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LumiTracker® Lyso Green

Green-fluorescent dye for visualization of lysosomes in living cells and other cell organelles with a low pH. Analog of LysoTracker™ Green DND-26.
貨號 數量 價格 交貨時間
5 x 50 uL
$137 1 天
10 x 50 uL
$210 1 天
20 x 50 uL
$340 1 天
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LumiTracker® Lyso Red

Red-fluorescent reagent for labeling and tracking lysosomes and other acidic organelles with low internal pH in live cells. Analog of LysoTracker™ Red DND-99.
貨號 數量 價格 交貨時間
5 x 50 uL
$137 1 天
10 x 50 uL
$210 1 天
20 x 50 uL
$340 1 天
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Mitochondrial Membrane Potential Apoptosis Kit, with LumiTracker® Mito Red CMXRos & Annexin V-AF 488

The ready-to-use kit for assaying two key indicators of apoptosis: the externalization of phosphatidylserine and alterations in mitochondrial membrane potential.
貨號 數量 價格 交貨時間
50 assays
$460 1 天
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PKH Dyes Diluent

Diluent for PKH series of membrane labeling dyes.
貨號 數量 價格 交貨時間
1 pcs
$145 1 天
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PKH2 Cell Membrane Labeling Kit

The ready-to-use kit to label cell membranes with green fluorescent PKH2 dye for evaluating cell migration or proliferation.
貨號 數量 價格 交貨時間
100 uL dye, 5x buffer
$225 1 天
100 uL dye, 1x buffer
$290 1 天
500 uL dye, 5x buffer
$1125 1 天
500 uL dye, 1x buffer
$1230 1 天
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PKH26 Cell Membrane Labeling Kit

The ready-to-use kit to label cell membranes with red fluorescent PKH26 dye for evaluating cell migration or proliferation.
貨號 數量 價格 交貨時間
100 uL dye, 5x buffer
$225 1 天
100 uL dye, 1x buffer
$290 1 天
500 uL dye, 5x buffer
$1125 1 天
500 uL dye, 1x buffer
$1230 1 天
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PKH800 Cell Membrane Labeling Kit

The ready-to-use kit to label cell membranes with near-infrared fluorescent PKH800 dye for evaluating cell migration or proliferation.
貨號 數量 價格 交貨時間
100 uL dye, 5x buffer
$225 1 天
100 uL dye, 1x buffer
$290 1 天
500 uL dye, 5x buffer
$1125 1 天
500 uL dye, 1x buffer
$1230 1 天
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6-Carboxy-H2DCFDA (6-carboxy-2',7'-dichlorodihydrofluorescein)

A reagent for detecting reactive oxygen species (ROS) in living cells. This carboxylated H2DCFDA analog has two additional negative charges that impede its leakage out of the cell.
貨號 數量 價格 交貨時間
3290-25mg 25 mg $65 5 天
3290-100mg 100 mg $150 現貨
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AF 488 streptavidin

AF 488 conjugate of streptavidin, a high-affinity biotin-binding protein, for immunofluorescence, western blots, microplate assays, and other applications use.
貨號 數量 價格 交貨時間
118S0 1 mg $185 $169 現貨
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AF 594 streptavidin

AF 594 conjugate of streptavidin, a high-affinity biotin-binding protein, for immunofluorescence, western blots, microplate assays, and other applications use.
貨號 數量 價格 交貨時間
168S0 1 mg $185 現貨
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AMCA鏈黴親和素 (AMCA streptavidin)

一種鏈黴親和素的 AMCA 偶聯物(高親和力生物素結合蛋白),用於免疫螢光、蛋白質印跡、微孔板測定和其他應用。
貨號 數量 價格 交貨時間
11AS0 1 mg $165 現貨
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Annexin V-AF 488 結合物 (Annexin V-AF 488 conjugate)

即用型試劑盒,可使用Annexin V-AF 488 結合物和碘化丙啶標記凋亡和壞死細胞。
貨號 數量 價格 交貨時間
21515 5 ug $119 現貨
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Annexin V-AF 647 偶聯物 (Annexin V-AF 647 conjugate)

膜聯蛋白 V-AF 647 偶聯物用於通過流式細胞技術和螢光顯微鏡檢測凋亡細胞。
貨號 數量 價格 交貨時間
22515 5 ug $119 現貨
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BDP® 493/503 lipid stain

BDP 493/503 is a lipophilic green fluorescent dye for the staining and tracing of cell membranes, lipids, and oils.
貨號 數量 價格 交貨時間
42310 25 mg $225 現貨
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BDP® 505/515 lipid stain

BDP 505/515 is a lipid staining dye for cell membranes. It has a high fluorescence quantum yield, and is very photostable.
貨號 數量 價格 交貨時間
41310 25 mg $225 $110 現貨
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BDP® 630/650 lipid stain

Far-red fluorescent dye BDP 630/650 for staining of lipids and and other lipophilic compounds.
貨號 數量 價格 交貨時間
1233-5mg 5 mg $110 現貨
1233-25mg 25 mg $330 現貨
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BDP® 650/665 lipid stain

Hydrophobic borondipyrromethene dye BDP 650/665 for staining of lipids and lipophilic compounds.
貨號 數量 價格 交貨時間
1615-5mg 5 mg $110 現貨
1615-25mg 25 mg $330 現貨
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BDP® FL ceramide

Fluorescent derivative of sphingosine with emission in the green spectrum region for visualization of the Golgi apparatus in cells.
貨號 數量 價格 交貨時間
3057-250ug 250 ug $275 $149 現貨